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If you are a registered social enterprise you can now fundraise via SimplyGiving.com. There are no upfront costs or long term contracts, but we do require some basic information to verify your status.

Please note that your social enterprise must be a registered entity with business bank accounts to receive funds. Due to our strict compliance guidelines, we do not remit funds to personal accounts.

And don’t worry, we’re fast! Your application is usually processed within 24 hours. Once we have assessed your application you will receive a welcome email with your login details and next steps.

About your social enterprise

Your Page URL : https://www.simplygiving.com/social/
Has your Social Enterprise been through any third party due diligence programs?  Yes  No

Incorporation Details

Upload Documents

Please include any relevant documents to verify your social enterprise. This much include appropriate business registration certificates.

Further Information


By submitting this application your accept our Terms of Service.

Don't worry, you are not entering into a long term contract with SimplyGiving, but our Terms of Service constitute an Agreement between the parties to maintain the best possible standards of security and compliance with applicable fundraising legislation. Rest assured that you're in safe hands!