Donation Appeal

Help Rubel with his End-of-Life Expenses

  • Singapore
Raised So Far SGD 94,483
103% Complete
Target : SGD 91,200

About Appeal

Update 2: 18 Jun, 12.45pm: Singapore charity Ray of Hope has set up a separate crowdfunding campaign for Rubel at: . They hope to raise an additional $50,000, on top of what has been raised here, to provide Rubel with an additional 3.5 years of replacement income, so his family can build up their savings in the event of his passing. We have been in communication with them to share Rubel's situation, what has been done so far and connect them with Rubel himself. If you'd like to make a donation to Rubel but did not manage to because this campaign was closed, we invite you to consider making a donation at the link above, thank you!

Update 1: 15 Jun, 5.08pm: Thank you everyone for your kindness and generous donations! With the help of 843 donors, we have reached the target and all funds excess of the target will go to Rubel to support his recovery and give him a longer runway. Rubel has also informed me that he received an additional $6,633 from private donations (friends and people who sent him directly via PayNow or bank transfer, etc). He is very grateful by this outpouring of support and will be sharing a note of gratitude soon. We will also share an update when the fund has been disbursed to Rubel by SimplyGiving . Thank you all so much!

We (a few friends of Rubel) are raising $91,200 to support Fazly Elahi Rubel, a migrant worker in Singapore who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Cancer Diagnosis

Unfortunately in 2022, Rubel was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer and thankfully after a series of chemotherapy and surgery, the cancer seemed to be in remission as he recovered.

However in March 2023, it was found that the cancer had spread to his liver, and he went through a stronger dose of chemotherapy and later on in July 2023, had surgery that removed 25% of his liver. In December 2023, a CT scan and blood tests did not show any signs of alarm.

However in May 2024, another CT scan and blood test showed significant deterioration in his liver and that the cancer cells had spread to his lungs. The doctor diagnosed him with Stage 4 Lung Cancer and informed him that without treatment, he has only 3 - 6 months to live.

How Funds Raised Will Be Used

Rubel hopes to raise $91,200 Singapore Dollars for the following:

  • $18,000 - Living expenses for Rubel and his family for approximately 12 months ($1,500 per month), including costs of accommodation and transport to India for his Chemotherapy

  • $30,000 - for two sessions of a stronger dose of Chemotherapy per month (up to 6 months) to prolong his life so he can have more time with his family. The doctors in Singapore estimate a cost of $2,500 per session, inclusive of CT scan and blood tests, but this amount is likely to amount to 12 months of treatment in India, where he will be seeking treatment. Rubel is unable to produce a cost estimate for this at the moment, but he will have one once he has a first consultation with the doctor in India.

  • $43,200 - Help his family with 2-year of replacement income and build up some savings in the event of his passing. Rubel currently earns $1,800 per month (see screenshot below). This money could also be used towards his son's education until he is 18 years old.
On behalf of Rubel, I seek your kindness to make a donation to help him with these expenses. Every bit counts and he is very grateful for everyone's help, thank you very much in advance!

Vincent Ng, on behalf of friends fundraising for Fazley Elahi Rubel

Recent Donors 845

  • Sabrina Nur

    SGD 25 08/12/2024 12:37:45 AM UTC

  • Sabrina Nur

    SGD 25 07/12/2024 12:34:19 AM UTC

  • Pamy Tan

    USD 25 06/15/2024 09:03:53 AM UTC

  • derek li

    All the best, stay strong!

    SGD 100 06/15/2024 08:50:11 AM UTC

  • Peiyi Lee

    Wishing you a recovery and all the best!

    SGD 25 06/15/2024 08:44:34 AM UTC

  • Lynn Koay

    May you get to see your son grow up healthy and happy.

    SGD 200 06/15/2024 08:39:28 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    SGD 25 06/15/2024 08:37:41 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    SGD 50 06/15/2024 08:32:28 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    SGD 25 06/15/2024 08:21:55 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    SGD 100 06/15/2024 08:21:34 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    SGD 50 06/15/2024 08:09:30 AM UTC

  • Shaneen Alam

    SGD 50 06/15/2024 07:53:26 AM UTC

  • M Chong

    SGD 50 06/15/2024 07:49:04 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    Thank you for all your contributions! Stay strong!

    SGD 50 06/15/2024 07:43:54 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    SGD 20 06/15/2024 07:39:05 AM UTC