Personal Fundraising

Sarah Lee

  • Malaysia    Refugees, Religion
Raised So Far MYR 2,882

Sarah Lee

Dear family and friends,  
As some may have known, I have been on this set apart journey. A journey of rediscovering what I’ve chose to believe in for the past many years; God. I decided to take a leap of faith in taking a pause of what I’ve been doing back home (career, ministries etc) and got myself enrolled in a 5 months discipleship training program under YWAM in Australia. A program which enables one to get to know God in different aspects of who God is through knowing His heart, His given authority to His children, Him being Lord over our lives etc. All was said earlier, happened in a lecture setting. In 3 weeks to come, my team and I will be heading to Africa for missionary works. It would not only be a time of applying on what we’ve learned, but to be there as a vessel and a blessing to the lives we would be meeting.  

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