Personal Fundraising

William Tan

  • Singapore    Animals, Medical & Health

William Tan

I got this 2 months old puppy that was born with congenital illness (liver shunt) advised by the vet when I sent for a check up when he has a seizure after 4 days of adoption. According to the vet and from what I have read, those dog which have this illness will not live more than 2 years or even less. His condition was in dire condition as the vet had written in his medical report. It is best to send him for further medical treatment by a specialist and he will probably need an operation for his liver shunt. As I told the vet, I can’t afford his medical bill and the surgery cost because i'm unemployment now but I wanted to save the puppy.

Without treatment for him, the advice given by the vet, it is best to put him to sleep than rather to see the little puppy suffer. I’m very sad to hear that and I felt as even an animal has the right to live longer and not put to sleep because it cannot make their own decision. It is not up to us to make decision for them. Everyone has the chance to live even an animal.

So here I am writing to seek help to raise funds for his treatments and operation in order to save his live.

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