As of Friday, 17th April 2020, 5507 meals were delivered to the frontliners for lunch and dinner.
In terms of the contributions received, we've received RM130,262 (thank you everyone!)
We would like to also thank each and every one of you for complying with the #stayhome order. Let's continue to take protective measure until we are able to 'flatten the curve'. While doing that, please do continue to share this donation link to everyone in your contact list. We want to continue to show our love and support to our fellow frontliners!!
Update: 14/04/2020
As of 14th April 2020, we have produced and delivered a total of 5160 meals to the frontliners.
Weeks earlier, we raised our target to RM250,000 as we expected the MC Order would be extended. Lo and behold, our Prime Minister announced the expected news last Friday, April 10.
So far, we have received RM129,462 including offline contributions (thank you everyone!).
We definitely need more help with the extended MCO:)
So, friends, let's continue to spread the word, share this donation link to your family, friends, colleagues, everyone!
Update: 06/04/2020
We delivered 3153 meals to Hospital Kuala Lumpur and Hospital Sungai Buloh. Also, we managed to collect RM115,267 and this includes offline donations.
If you haven’t heard, we’ve increased our target to RM250,000 which will allow us to provide healthy meals to the frontliners till 1st May.
Due to the overwhelming response, we are also delivering to another Covid-19 hospital - Hospital Ampang as we received 492 orders for a single day from them alone! Demand is definitely very high and we are unable to match it in supply.
So, we need YOUR help! Kindly continue to share the donation link here, there and everywhere!
Till the next update, see ya😊
Update: 30th March 2020
So far, we’ve delivered lunch and dinner to 1,853 frontliners at Hospital Kuala Lumpur and Sungai Buloh.
And today, we’ve hit RM92,272 including offline donations.
Our target has been raised to RM250,000 to allow us to continue to provide healthy, immunity-booster meals to our frontliners till 1st of May. In other words, we need more help because our current donation can only help us through 8th April!
Your contributions are very much appreciated by the medical staff – scroll down and take a look at pictures of their smiling faces while holding the meals you provided😊
If you haven’t already, please give what you can because every ringgit counts no matter how small. Also, kindly spread the word (online!) to everyone in your contact list. Let us all do our part and remember to #stayhome.
Update: 26th March
We fed 303 front liners at Hospitals KL and Sungai Buloh on the 25th March and expect it to be over 400 today
So far we have raised RM49,975 including donations from other sources but at this rate, we will run out of money next Thursday.
We've updated our target to RM250,000 which will take us all the way through to 1st of May
We have had amazing feedback from the doctors, nurses and other key workers about the quality of the food and how much love and support they get with every mouthful.
Please give generously and do follow all the updates on Facebook. And thank you from us, and from everyone, we are supporting
Malaysia has been on partial lockdown since the 18th of March. Covid-19 cases swiftly jumped on a daily basis from 100s to 200s to 500s and now we are in the 900s.
We just recorded our first 2 deaths from the disease.
My medical colleagues are responding to the drafting call to leave their stations and travel interstate to join the battle in the epicentre of it all - our capital Kuala Lumpur.
There are 2 hospitals in our capital cleared out for and identified as ground zero for COVID-19. And these are where all these young doctors, nurses and other medical professionals will work, eat, sleep and live until the crisis is over.
Many of them are first time mothers, fathers.
Young, hopeful professionals called away from their families to join a battlefield they may not return from. They are hungry, sweaty, and constantly on-call.
Malaysia telah mengalami Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan sejak 18 Mac. Kes-kes Covid-19 telah melonjak dengan pantas setiap hari dari 100 ke 200, ke 500 dan kini, sudah melonjak ke 900.
Baru-baru ini, telah 2 kematian pertama disahkan disebabkan wabak ini. Rakan-rakan perubatan saya telah bertindak terhadap panggilan dan telah meninggalkan tempat bertugas mereka untuk menyertai pertempuran melawan virus ini di pusat – Ibu Kota kita, Kuala Lumpur.
Terdapat 2 hospital di ibu kota kita yang telah ditutup untuk orang awan dan dikhaskan untuk merawat Covid-19, yang dikenali sebagai “Ground Zero for Covid-19”. Disinilah semua doktor muda, jururawat dan professional perubatan lain akan bekerja, makan, tidur dan hidup sehingga krisis ini berakhir.
Kebanyakan daripada mereka baru sahaja bergelar ibu dan bapa.
Ramai daripada para pasukan perubatan professional muda terpaksa meninggalkan keluarga mereka untuk menyertai pertempuran yang mereka sendiri tidak pasti dapat kembali ke keluarga masing-masing. Mereka lapar, sentiasa berpeluh dan sentiasa “on-call”.
Savor Of Life has been providing mobile lifestyle change programmes and delivering whole-food plant-based diets for people with obesity, heart disease, hypertension & diabetes with excellent success rates
Since the lockdown began, we've been sending out free meals for the elderly and other high-risk individuals to ensure that they keep healthy & virus-free.
Savor Of Life 提供个人生活形态辅导及提供植物性食物给拥有肥胖问题、心脏疾病、高血压和糖尿病的人士并且达到卓越的成功率。
Savor of Life menyediakan program perubahan gaya hidup mudah alih dan menyediakan diet berasaskan sayur-sayuran untuk orang yang mempunyai obesiti, penyakit jantung, hipertensi dan diabetes dengan kadar keberkesanan yang sangat baik.
Sejak Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan bermula, kami telah menghantar makanan percuma untuk warga tua dan individu berisiko tinggi agar mereka tetap sihat dan bebas daripada virus.
Now we need your help to also protect the hundreds of doctors and nurses that are working in these 2 hospitals.
The small sum of RM270 will feed one healthcare professional on the frontline for the entire lockdown period.
Come and join us in the battle against COVID-19 from the comfort of your homes!
Kini, kami memerlukan bantuan anda untuk melindungi ratusan doktor dan jururawat yang bekerja di 2 hospital ini.
Jumlah kecil sebanyak RM270 mampu membekalkan makanan untuk seorang perawat profesional di barisan hadapan sepanjang tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan.
Sertai kami dalam keselesaan rumah anda, untuk melawan COVID-19.
How it Works / 如何操作?/ Bagaimana ia dilaksanakan?
- Every day, based on the donations we receive, we'll take 50 meals at lunch and 50 at dinner to Hospital Sungai Buloh and Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
- These will be Savor of Life meals - plant-based meals to improve health and boost your immune system
- We are producing them at cost and DO NOT make a profit from doing this,
- If we receive more donations each day we will hold some in reserve so that we can maintain the food delivery through the lockdown.
- If we receive a lot more donations then we will make more meals each day. There are thousands of workers at each hospital keeping you safe.
- If there is any money left at the end of the lockdown we will donate it to a medical research charity for coronavirus (or something similar) with full transparency.
- 每一天,我们会根据所收到的筹款,准备50份午餐及50份晚餐并送去双溪毛糯医院及吉隆玻中央医院。
- 这些食物来自于Savor of Life的植物性饮食,以补助营养并提升免疫系统
- 我们将会准备这些食物,并不会从中赚取任何的利润
- 如果在这期间每日有剩馀的筹款,我们将会备用在接下来的行动管制期限内继续提供食物。
- 如果我们收到比预计的筹款数额多,我们将会准备更多的食物。医院内超过千人员工在为我们提供医疗服务。
- 如果在行动管制期限结束后有剩馀的筹款,我们将会透明化捐赠给冠状病毒的医学研究慈善机 (或其他类似机构)。
- Setiap hari, dari pungutan dana yang diterima, kami akan menghantar 50 pakej makanan tengah hari dan 50 pakej makanan untuk malam ke Hospital Sungai Buloh dan Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
- Makanan tersebut merupakan pakej makanan Savor of Life - makanan berasaskan sayuran untuk meningkatkan kesihatan dan sistem imun.
- Kami menghasilkan pakej makanan di atas berdasarkan kos dan kami TIDAK mengambil keuntungan daripada aktiviti ini
- Seandainya kami menerima dana yang berlebihan pada hari tersebut, kami akan menyimpan dana tersebut agar penghantaran makanan dapat diteruskan sepanjang tempoh perintah kawalan pergerakan dilaksanakan.
- Seandainya kami menerima lebih banyak dana pada hari tersebut, maka kami akan menyediakan lebih banyak pakej makanan pada setiap hari. Terdapat ribuan pekerja hospital yang telah bertungkus-lumus memastikan keselamatan anda terjaga.
- Seandainya terdapat lebihan dana pada penghujung tempoh pelaksanaan perintah kawalan pergerakan, kami akan memberikan dana tersebut kepada badan amal kajian perubatan virus korona (atau seumpamanya) dengan penuh ketelusan.
About Savor of Life / 有关Savor of Life / Mengenai Savor Of Life
Savor of Life helps people transform their health by providing lifestyle coaching and a healthy diet. It is ideal for people who are overweight, diabetic, have hypertension or high cholesterol.
Savor of Life借着提供个人生活形态辅导及健康饮食帮助人们改变个人健康。这项服务适合过重、糖尿病、高血压或高胆固醇患者。
Savor of Life membantu untuk meningkatkan kesihatan mereka melalui jurulatih kesihatan dan diet pemakanan sihat. Program ini ideal untuk membantu orang yang mengalami masalah berat badan berlebihan, kencing manis, tekanan darah tinggi, dan kolesterol berlebihan.
Who is Involved? / 涉及人物 / Siapa yang terlibat?
Dr Shaun Kuan is a medical doctor who specialises in lifestyle and preventative medicine through his company Savor of Life
Denis Oakley is a strategy consultant helping companies to create innovative business models. He is responsible for ensuring that all money donated is used for the purpose that it was raised for.
Shaun Kuan 医生藉着他所创办的公司,Savor of Life, 主修生活型态医学及预防医学。
Denis Oakley 是一位战略咨询顾问。他帮助此公司建立创新的商业模式,也负责确保所有捐款都用于筹款目的
Dr Shaun Kuan ialah seorang doktor perubatan khusus dalam bidang perubatan pencegahan dan gaya hidup melalui syarikatnya Savor of Life.
· Denis Oakley ialah seorang perunding strategi, yang membantu banyak syarikat untuk membina model bisnes yang inovatif. Beliau bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan semua pungutan dana digunakan sepenuhnya untuk tujuan pengumpulan dana tersebut.