Donation Appeal

Bella 4 Social Work

  • Thailand
Raised So Far SGD 200
1% Complete
Target : SGD 12,000

About Appeal

Hi, my name is Bella and I'm a Social-Worker-to-be. I hope to be a support and strength to Care Corner Foundation (CCOF) this June 2019 onwards.

I first came to CCOF seven years ago with my school for a community service project. From then on, I've organized and made many trips back here. By God's grace, this coming June will be my 10th time here. My heart for the children at CCOF grew with each returning trip.

As I seek God, I believe He is leading and preparing me to serve and work at CCOF. I want to be part of their journey in knowing God and building their lives in Christ the rock. Using God's word, along with social work skills, counseling and my personal life experiences, I hope to empower the children and make God known to them.

Recent Donors 2

  • Anonymous

    SGD 100 02/09/2019 07:05:29 AM UTC

  • Amanda Wong

    Way to go Bella!!! Praying for God’s providence and blessings to be with you as you’re there doing His work!

    SGD 100 02/07/2019 08:47:57 AM UTC