Donation Appeal

Donate Zinc Roofs to Orang Asli: Help Them Weather the Coming Monsoon

  • Malaysia
Raised So Far MYR 950
7% Complete
Target : MYR 12,000 Raised Offline : MYR 800

About Appeal

Soh is up on his family home’s roof, deftly knotting thatches of dried palm leaves together to cover up a bare spot. Dark clouds loom overhead, pregnant with unshed rain. He hopes that the roof will be able to withstand the evening downpour, which has become more frequent as the monsoon season fast approaches.

The Orang Asli (indigenous people of Peninsular Malaysia) traditionally build their homes from the resources available locally; bamboo, palm leaves, wood. But as forests are cleared, it becomes increasingly difficult for the Orang Asli to build and repair their homes.

The Issues

  • Traditional thatched roofs are becoming harder to replace as forest resources deplete
  • The Orang Asli then resort to using scavenged tarpaulin, roadside banners, and plastic sacks to patch their roofs
  • During the monsoon season, the roofs leak and cause damage to their entire home
The Solution

  • Provide an 8-foot piece of zinc roofing for only RM20
  • Provide an entire roof for a family for only RM1,200
  • Provide roofs for an entire village of 10 houses for only RM12,000
The Impact

  • Damage to homes caused by monsoon rains will be greatly reduced
  • Time spent on sourcing for roofing material can be spent instead on income-generating activities
  • Families will have peace of mind knowing they are safe
  • Zinc roofing can be utilised for rainwater harvesting, presenting an alternative water source for water-scarce villages

Recent Donors 3

  • Shenn Kuan Chow

    MYR 50 11/26/2019 10:44:41 AM UTC

  • Nurfarini Daing

    All the best!

    MYR 100 11/04/2019 02:14:21 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    Donation from Ecolab

    MYR 800 10/19/2019 12:00:00 AM UTC