Please help us raise funds to implement our Global Alert App!
Funds will be used to expand the training, outreach and integration of the app/platform with different communities around the world. The platform is run and produced by Ocean Recovery Alliance. Available on both app stores, and at
One of the projects will be to help capacity building in the Tonle Sap Lake area of Cambodia, to support and complement the Water Rising Festival (June 7-9th) and the Water Falling Festival, happening every six months as the waters rise/fall in the lake, and to help improve the awareness, waste reduction and recycling abilities of the villages, as they become better stewards of their waters.
Global Alert is one of the world's first global environmental problem-solving platforms that enables international focus on the same issue: trash pollution in our waters. Standardized reporting lets us compare across regions, while also empowering communities to harness it for their own solutions. See - Share - Solve with Global Alert, allowing better management, reduction and prevention of plastic in our waters via community reporting and citizen science. Global Alert allows stakeholders in any watershed in the world to reduce plastic waste in their waters with the use of this unified, global platform which is free to use. Included is our short film on the program, "Streams of Plastic":