Donation Appeal

Food Matters: I Matter!

  • Malaysia
Raised So Far MYR 110
0% Complete
Target : MYR 100,000

About Appeal

No one should go to bed hungry.

Everyday, countless families in our community struggle to put food on the table. Food security is a very real and pressing issue. Hunger affects children’s ability to learn and adult’s ability to work. Studies have shown that people suffering from food insecurity are more likely to suffer from a range of mental health conditions which leads to physiological changes, affecting children’s academic performance and adults’ ability to function on a daily basis.

This is the very reason for this food campaign - to provide meals to those in need via GSS’s YouthPREP Centre (YPC) and Community Service Centre (CSC).

The YPC is a drop-in centre strategically located in Alamesra, Kota Kinabalu with 10 institutions of higher learning in the vicinity making it a key part of the Education Hub. In 2016, YPC started the Food Bank initiative to provide food access to youths who have recently migrated from the rural areas to the city. With rising cost of living, youths are struggling with their monthly expenses and stretching their budgets. In other words, they have what they consider “just enough” or “cukup-cukup makan”. Since the establishment of the Food Bank, a monthly average of 80 students either walk-in or receive food provisions. At YPC, we also offer various programmes such as SMART employment, emotional support through the KawanBAH careline and counselling services.

Our commitment to support beyond YPC, extends to a broader community through our CSC in Ipoh.   CSC is located in the heart of Buntong, Ipoh and provides support services to vulnerable families around the vicinity. The centre collaborates with primary and secondary schools to conduct awareness on mental health, safety and protection of children. Through our services, we aim to empower the lives of children by attending to their educational needs and various other aspects of their well-being such as academic support programmes, counselling, food aid and Education Fund.

The CSC Food Aid programme caters to families who have a hard time making ends meet. The programme is dedicated to addressing food insecurity in the community and fostering a supportive environment that promotes health and well-being. By offering immediate relief to individuals and families experiencing food insecurity through the distribution of food packages, or cash vouchers, we are making a significant impact on the well-being of the vulnerable community in Buntong.

We genuinely hope to gain your support for this appeal. By investing in food-related initiatives, you are not just providing meals, you are helping to build stronger communities and create a brighter future for all.

Mia's Journey: Balancing Academics and Hunger

Mia is a first-year student studying education majoring in TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) with dreams of becoming an English teacher. Despite her academic excellence, Mia struggles to afford basic necessities, including food. She often has to choose between buying textbooks and groceries. The Youth-PREP Centre food Bank has been her lifeline, providing her food provisions that keep her focused on her studies. Without this support, Mia's dream of becoming an English teacher might have been derailed by hunger.

Eric's Aspiration: Keeping the Dream Alive

Eric, a Business major, faced unexpected financial challenges when his mother fell ill. He had to take on additional responsibilities, including caring for his younger siblings. The Youth-PREP Centre food Bank provided the necessary food assistance that allowed him to stay in college and manage his family duties. Eric’s story is one of perseverance, and he continues to work hard, hoping to secure a job in the business field to support his family in the long term.

Recent Donors 2

  • Elaine Kong

    MYR 100 09/05/2024 03:41:18 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 10 09/05/2024 01:49:23 AM UTC