Donation Appeal

I am Woman: Hear Me Roar

  • Malaysia
Raised So Far MYR 20
0% Complete
Target : MYR 100,000

About Appeal

Good Shepherd Services has been a beacon of hope for women and children who have experienced abuse, offering them safety and support through the Pusat Jagaan Seri Murni (PJSM) since 2000. Over the years, PJSM has provided temporary shelter to 380 victims of physical, emotional, and sexual exploitation. However, the support does not stop there. PJSM is deeply committed to empowering these women by implementing livelihood projects designed to help them achieve economic independence and break the cycle of poverty.

In Kota Kinabalu, many urban poor are women living in low-cost housing in and on the city’s outskirts. These women often come from rural areas, drawn to the city by the promise of better job opportunities or through marriage, only to find themselves trapped in a cycle of dependency and vulnerability. GSS recognises that true empowerment means giving these women the tools they need to gain financial independence, which not only improves their own well-being but also creates a better home environment for their children.

By ensuring women can participate in decent work and benefit from social protection, we help them contribute to poverty reduction, economic diversification, and the strengthening of their families. One such initiative is the Community Kitchen, where women will be trained to prepare and sell nutritious meals, providing them with a source of income while also fostering a sense of community and empowerment. The Community Kitchen not only addresses immediate needs but also serves as a stepping stone towards long-term self-sufficiency and improved quality of life for these women and their families.

Cheryl, Menggatal

As a poor urban woman, I believe I experience more stress than women in rural areas. This happens because of a mix of reasons: the high cost of living, unstable source of income, limited resources, and not owning land or property. Unfortunately, this stress also makes me more vulnerable to partner violence.

Cheryl, along with thirty other impoverished urban women, is hopeful that the Kota Kinabalu livelihood initiative from Good Shepherd Services will empower them to achieve financial independence.

Significantly, data from the Sabah Police Contingent Headquarters Crime Investigation Department reveals a concerning rise in domestic abuse cases, with 362 reported between January and October 2023, compared to 301 during the same period the previous year. This increase highlights the urgent need to address the challenges faced by urban women.

With your support, we can expand these efforts, helping more women gain the independence they need to create safer, healthier environments for themselves and their children. Together, we can break the cycle of abuse and poverty, one step at a time.

Recent Donors 2


    MYR 10 09/10/2024 02:48:16 AM UTC

  • Paulina Sintia

    MYR 10 09/05/2024 02:13:30 AM UTC