
“Suddenly you realise that power, beauty and money are worthless, and can't get you the oxygen you're fighting for. The world is sending us a message: 'The air, earth, water and sky without you are fine. When you come back, remember that you are my guests. Not my masters.'

My Story

There are some who can so cruelly poach beautiful whales and throw their remains back into the sea and some who so callously burn forests for their commercial gain. 

Our world is breaking, and we are breaking her. 

They are deliberately and intentionally causing immeasurable destruction to our planet, but we can and will save her. Let's do it together <3

Recent Donors

  • Rowain Jones

    MYR 500 06/22/2020 03:39:35 PM UTC

  • Sarah martinez

    MYR 150 06/20/2020 05:33:52 PM UTC

  • Carolyn Lee

    MYR 75 06/20/2020 05:30:37 PM UTC

  • Calvin Lim

    SGD 25 06/19/2020 02:00:29 AM UTC

  • Ruban Nathan

    MYR 150 06/09/2020 12:21:56 AM UTC

  • Arun Chandra

    MYR 50 06/07/2020 03:50:38 AM UTC

  • Nurul Syafina

    MYR 150 06/07/2020 03:24:18 AM UTC

  • James Waymont

    GBP 5 06/06/2020 03:27:15 PM UTC

  • Azim Mokhtar

    MYR 300 06/06/2020 11:50:08 AM UTC

  • Annesha

    So proud of you babe! ❤️

    MYR 300 06/05/2020 03:27:28 PM UTC

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