Micro Loan

Join me in helping strong, independent women like Ibu Sulasmi! She only wants a small loan.

My Story

29 June 2016

Quick update - I ate at Ibu Sulasmi's stall yesterday in Jakarta (yums)! 

It may be small, but seems like the neighboruhood hangout. 

I've taken a few new photos. Loved her sassy t-shirt!

Ibu Sulasmi is every bit the strong, quiet, shy but independent woman that gets on with things. There was an old picture of her on the wall, she said it was taken when her husband died 35 years ago. She looked stunning. She brought up 2 kids on her own, and now earning to look after her elderly parents too.

I hope more of my friends/family will support this loan. Thank you!


16 June 2016

Hi there! 

I admire strong, independent women like Ibu Sulasmi. Just doing what she can to provide for herself, her family and her aging parents. And doing it proudly. Her full story is on this link  https://www.simplygiving.com/Loan/sulasmi

I can't wait to visit her warung (food stall) in my next trip to Jakarta and try her cooking!

This is a short term loan, will be repaid by April 2017. So, please do join me in supporting this project. 

The loan is administered by Surya Kencana, an MFI in Jakarta. I have met the team there many times, and they are good people. Respectful of their clients and passionate about helping them succeed.

Recent Contributors

  • Stephen Ellison

    Contributed IDR 1,000,000 07/05/2016 01:09:38 PM UTC

  • Whye Choong

    Contributed IDR 1,000,000 06/30/2016 02:55:19 AM UTC

  • Stephen Phillips

    Salivating at the thought. Good luck!

    Contributed IDR 1,000,000 06/23/2016 09:00:37 PM UTC

  • Dennis Ho

    Contributed IDR 500,000 06/21/2016 03:34:43 AM UTC

  • Cheryl Low

    Supporting Ibu Sulasmi and street food!

    Contributed IDR 1,000,000 06/17/2016 06:39:49 AM UTC

Repayment Details

Repayment Term: 8 months
Repayment Schedule: monthly, September 2016 - April 2017 

Cost to Borrower charged by MFI: 1.6% per month
This loan has been disbursed by Surya Kencana 

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