Fundraising Event

Helping Judy and her father raise S$3,900

  • 17/09/2015 - 17/02/2016
  • Singapore
SGD 200
5% Complete
Target : SGD 3,900

About Event

Judy is a 29 year old Singaporean, living with her parents and younger sister. The family suffered a crisis recently when her father, Mr Teo had a stroke and suffered a blood clot in his brain. Mr Teo spent a few days in the intensive care unit, and has been discharged form hospital, and is currently undergoing physiotherapy so that he can walk again. However, Mr Teo is also a dialysis patient, suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney failure, and he will be unable to return to work - he was previously working as a part time drive to support himself.

Judy is sole breadwinner, and brings home about S$1,599 a month. Her salary also pays for medical bills for her mother who is a diabetic patient. Judy has exhausted all her savings and her current salary is not enough to sustain the family on a daily basis. Her plan is to get interim financial aid so that the family can get back on their feet - as her father gets better and can walk again, so that he can get to dialysis safely on his own, and when Judy's younger sister graduates from school and can find a full-time job to contribute financially to the family's household bills and utilities.

ROHI is helping raise S$650 a month for the next 6 months, so that Judy can help pay for her father's dialysis and grocery bills for the family until her sister graduates and can help the family financially.

ROHI aims to make a difference to individuals and/or families, to help them on the path to becoming self-reliant so that they can gradually get back into their usual routine. ROHI helps our recipients raise funds through Simply Giving. Our Founder and Board of Directors cover the administrative and operating costs of ROHI so that your donation is 100% efficient and goes directly to the recipient.