Fundraising Event

Building Lives & Homes Of Aborigine Community

  • 29/12/2015 - 31/05/2016
  • Malaysia
0% Complete
Target : MYR 70,000

About Event

Help us build basic housing for people who need it the most!

Since 2014, our volunteer SUPER Club began working together with a local nonprofit, INSAF Malaysia, to build basic housing for West Malaysian aborigines and potentially into East Malaysia if we manage to raise the much needed funds with your kind and generous help. We extend this help to the under-served aborigine community by providing basic house plan using our best capabilities as undergraduate civil engineers. We aim to build and help more families in this community in terms of shelter, basic needs and economy in the future.

Join us in making a difference today by DONATING or FUNDRAISING for this worthy cause.

Thanks heaps for your generous giving!

P.S. For more info on how YOU can join us as a change-maker & fundraising champion, connect with us at 
[email protected].