Fundraising Event

Let's Put Out The Fire

  • 01/10/2024 - 30/10/2025
  • Malaysia
0% Complete
Target : MYR 10,000

About Event

Stop the fire, save our future!

In the Southeast Asian region, some of the biggest culprits of deforestation stems from unsustainable agricultural practices for palm oil, pulp and paper or monoculture farming. While logging, mining and infrastructure projects also play a part.

Unchecked deforestation and land clearing continues with the expansion of these industries, effecting us all – from the lives of orang asal & asli who are evicted from their ancestral land, to communities most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

What we do?

Our work is to hold polluters, governments and groups responsible for devastating environmental acts, accountable.

And it all starts with investigations and documentation of evidence to pinpoint who could be the source of major forest fires and deforestation in the region. Alongside evidence gathered, we conduct research while working with allies and indigenous communities to call out for sustainable solutions in the protection of forests.

Because protecting forests is about defending human rights too.

How YOU can help?

As an organisation, we believe in #PeoplePower. We’re calling for transparency from our government through policies to stop illegal deforestation and hold the companies involved, responsible for their actions or inaction.

With your support, we can make a difference for our future, so our children and the coming generations can breathe clean air that is free from pollution.

All you need to do is help us by reaching out to your family, friends and networks. Help us raise funds to support this movement.

Steps To Fundraise >