Fundraising Event

Help to build a shelter for abandoned dogs and cats

  • 13/04/2023 - 30/11/2023
  • Malaysia
MYR 1,662
3% Complete
Target : MYR 50,000

About Event

Thanks to the tireless efforts of our team, we have secured a gorgeous 5-acre lot in Kuala Kubu Bandar. It's now primed and ready for us to begin construction! But of course, we can't do it alone. We humbly ask for your help to complete the three critical phases necessary to turn this land into a home for our furry friends. With your financial support, together we can create a space that will change countless lives for the better.

PHASE 1  >  Creating the area for staff quarters and precious foster animals, as well as setting up spaces for our furry residents to call home.