
I'm making a difference by raising money for a cause close to my heart. Please support me by donating. Education should not be a privilege to these childs. Give these childs a chance to pursue their dream and give them a hand on becoming the person they want.

My Story

Dear friends,

I invite you to join me in a cause close to my heart – providing education to refugee children. As we embrace the importance of education in shaping destinies, I believe that contributing to this initiative is a worthy investment in the future. These children, displaced by circumstances beyond their control, deserve a chance to become the individuals they aspire to be. Your support can be the guiding light that helps them navigate a path toward a brighter, more promising tomorrow. Let's come together to make a meaningful impact and empower these young minds with the gift of education.Thank you for being part of this journey, your effort no matter big or small, will be appreciated and leave a great mark on this earth. 


Recent Donors

  • Myat Khaing

    MYR 50 01/26/2024 08:39:35 AM UTC

  • Amira El sayed

    Hope it helps :)

    MYR 40 01/26/2024 08:19:57 AM UTC

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