
Make digital assets massively accessible

My Story

Leading in Asia with Global Footprints

Established in 2018, HashKey Group is a leading end-to-end digital asset financial services group in Asia. Operating within regulatory frameworks that uphold the highest compliance standards, HashKey offers diverse investment opportunities and tailored solutions across the digital asset ecosystem and Web3 landscape for retail investors, large institutions, family offices, funds, professional and accredited investors. Headquartered in Hong Kong, HashKey Group also has operations in Singapore, Japan, and Bermuda.​

Our core businesses include HashKey Exchange, a licensed virtual asset exchange regulated by the Hong Kong SFC; HashKey Capital, a global asset manager investing exclusively in blockchain technology and digital assets; HashKey Cloud, a leading provider of global Web3 infrastructure; HashKey Global, a global digital asset exchange that obtained Class "F" license under the Digital Asset Business Act 2018 (DABA); HashKey Tokenisation, a tokenisation services provider, among others. To learn more about HashKey Group

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  • HashKey

    亞洲領先 全球佈局 HashKey Group 是亞洲領先,全球佈局的數字資產金融服務集團。自2018年起,HashKey Group 已在高合規標準的監管框架內構建起一個遍布香港、新加坡、日本、百慕大等地的全球化Web3生態版圖,其中包括:香港持牌零售虛擬資產交易所 HashKey Exchange,全球化虛擬資產交易所 HashKey Global,專注於投資區塊鏈技術及數字資產的全球化資產管理機構 HashKey Capital,提供合規數字資產場外交易服務的 HashKey OTC,世界領先的 Web3 基礎設施提供商 HashKey Cloud,和代幣化服務機構 HashKey Tokenisation。 HashKey Group 還擁有豐富的鏈上生態,已開發以太坊L2「生態鏈」HashKey Chain,並計劃上線HashKey 平台幣HSK。HashKey Group 將持續推動區塊鏈技術在多領域大規模應用的可行性,為全球十億用戶提供值得信賴和触手可及的數字資產服務。

    HKD 800 10/18/2024 03:51:31 AM UTC

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