
Help Nizam to help autistic kids from low income families to get a proper meals, education, care and therapy.

My Story

This Ramadhan, I am helping autistic kids from low-income families at IDEAS Autism Centre. Please join me by donating via this link. Your contribution will help them and their families to get proper meals. It will also support their early intervention programmes and therapies. High-quality education will help them create a better future.

Recent Donors

  • Celi Sakuragi

    MYR 50 05/11/2021 03:03:39 AM UTC

  • Ahmad azwan Ghazali

    MYR 150 05/08/2021 02:25:49 PM UTC

  • Nadhirah Nasser

    MYR 10 05/07/2021 10:09:05 PM UTC

  • Syura Badron

    Semoga dipermudahkan

    MYR 100 05/07/2021 02:22:46 PM UTC

  • Afiqah Md fouzi

    MYR 15 05/07/2021 02:21:20 PM UTC

  • KC Nazari

    Semoga usaha mulia NJJ mendapat lebih banyak sokongan

    MYR 200 05/07/2021 10:55:28 AM UTC

  • Fuad Nasir

    MYR 50 05/07/2021 10:08:36 AM UTC

  • Razif Abu bakar

    MYR 30 05/07/2021 07:47:11 AM UTC

  • Mohd Azeuan Juahir

    MYR 20 05/07/2021 06:54:37 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 10 05/07/2021 06:40:04 AM UTC

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