
I'm making a difference by raising money for a cause close to my heart. Please support me by donating.

My Story

Sometimes it's really disheartening. We've been working so hard, sometimes even my family wonders if it's worth it.
It's so difficult, and giving up seems easier, doesn't it?
But then I see those helpless little angels, and I can only grit my teeth and keep going.
It's been 13 years here, and even raising money for paint feels like a failure.
A month has passed, and we haven't even reached 20% of the funds needed for paint, let alone living expenses, which haven't been enough for over a year.
The people who used to help, who used to share, they're dwindling away. I'm deeply devoted to caring for 31 little angels who can hardly care for themselves. Without help, the challenges I face every day are immense. I hope you can see this and lend a hand, even if your means don't allow it. Even a simple share would mean a lot.

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