Personal Challenge

Hello friends, family and colleagues,as part of my charity contribution this year, I am going to torture myself the next 12 weeks to eventually step into a box-ring and fight against another person with the same intention. It would be great if you could support me, by supporting the kids of Cambodia by a small donation. The money goes to the Children's Surgical Centre in Cambodia. If you want to learn more about this follow Thank you

My Story

Dear friends,

many people in this world have to fight for their life – day by day. I’ve been blessed to be born in a “good” world – Germany – without wars but enough food, good education and maybe the highest standard of medical support in the world. Health is the most important asset humans have and without it, life can become tough – especially in the 3rd world countries. As individuals we are not able to change the world much but at least we can do a bit to support those in need. Fortunately I’ve been selected to help literally fighting for kids in Cambodia and with this a dream comes true.

For more than 20 years I am following Boxing and I think it’s one of the most challenging sports as it requires endurance and strength, but also strategic thinking and strong mentality and last but not least the ability to withstand painful and unforeseen punches. I want challenge and proof myself that I can go through this not only as a participant but as the winner. My coaches Sam and Kelvin prepared a training program for the coming 12 weeks which includes ten training sessions of 90 minutes per week and a nutrition plan which made me cry when I saw it. But I am convinced this will help me to succeed.

But besides that a second reason why I participate in the White Collar Boxing and not in another competition is the charity aspect. Any profit of this event as well as donations from the participants, their friends and colleagues and maybe also their employers goes to the Children’s Surgical Centre in Phnom Penh which is important as the poverty in Cambodia is high and alarming. My goal is to raise 5,000 USD in the next three months through several events such as BBQ and Cocktail parties and the auction of my fightname, my walk-in dress and my walk-in soundtrack. But I will also organize a German Weisswurscht Breakfast in March/April. More info to come.

And to come closer to this goal, I will donate 250 USD myself and for any Dollar you donate, I will top-up 10% of your amount, so max USD 500 if we reach my goal.

Thank you very much for your kind support.


What is White Collar Boxing

It is No. 1 event globally, as in nine years more than 800 boxers competed in front of 37,000 guests. White Collar Boxing sees everyday desk warriors from law, finance and advertising, signing up for an intense twelve-week training program before stepping into the ring at Vanda's award winning. Hundreds apply, twenty are chosen to start a journey that will not only change their lives but also those of children in Cambodia. THE BENEFITS BEYOND THE EVENT: Through more than $2million raised for Children's Surgical Centre in Cambodia, Vanda's White Collar Boxing has paid for thousands of operations for children in need as well as funding the opening of the Vanda Wing in 2013. More info under 

Recent Donors

  • Cheng Hong

    EUR 50 05/19/2017 11:29:25 AM UTC

  • Melissa Paul

    Congratulations for your win and thank you very much for that great evening. It has been awesome. Gut gemacht.

    SGD 100 05/03/2017 04:38:54 AM UTC

  • Hao Truong

    HKD 500 04/28/2017 04:34:52 PM UTC

  • Konstanze Tegtmeier

    Go for it !!!!!!

    EUR 30 04/28/2017 07:58:33 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    Go for it!

    EUR 50 04/27/2017 09:05:19 PM UTC

  • Mona Nettesheim

    EUR 25 04/27/2017 05:50:51 AM UTC

  • Yasmine Browarczik

    Ich drücke ganz fest die Daumen!

    EUR 50 04/26/2017 09:45:32 AM UTC

  • Ronny Schaa

    Cool initiative!

    EUR 50 04/25/2017 07:16:00 AM UTC

  • Kevin Rosenberger

    Hau rein cousin.

    EUR 10 04/24/2017 02:01:00 AM UTC

  • Marcel Groß

    Groß's Kino :-)

    EUR 40 04/24/2017 01:58:49 AM UTC

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