Personal Fundraising

Arief bin Johan Alimin

  • Malaysia    Chronic Illness
Raised So Far MYR 115,814

Arief bin Johan Alimin

What Happened

On Saturday, May 4th, our beloved Safiyya, a 20 year old bright and ambitious student at Universidad de Europea, Madrid, suddenly suffered a life-threatening medulla (brain stem) stroke. In an instant, Safiyya's life was turned upside down as she was rushed to the Neuropolytrauma Intensive Care Unit at Hospital Clínico Universitario San Carlos in Madrid.


Safiyya has now been in the ICU for over seven weeks. On the day of her stroke, she experienced severe breathing difficulties and was intubated. This has since been replaced with a tracheostomy to help her breathe. Tragically, the stroke has left her paralyzed from the neck down. Despite extensive tests, the cause of the stroke remains unknown, leaving us with more questions than answers. While there have been small signs of progress, such as slight movements in her right foot and left arm, Safiyya's journey to recovery is only just beginning.

The Plan & Why We Need Your Help

Safiyya urgently needs extensive and intensive physical rehabilitation, but specialist centers can only admit her once she is off the ventilator. Currently, the doctors cannot predict when this will be possible. The best chance for Safiyya's recovery is to bring her home to Malaysia, where she can receive the necessary treatment and supported by her loved ones.


While Safiyya's student visa insurance covers emergencies, hospitalization, and repatriation, it does not cover rehabilitation. We are in ongoing discussions with the insurance company for repatriation, but the situation is complicated. Safiyya needs to be brought home urgently for the intensive rehabilitation that doctors have recommended.

What Funds Will Be Used For

Your generous contributions will be used to cover the costs of Safiyya's medical repatriation from Madrid to Kuala Lumpur, which is estimated to be about Euro 70,000 / RM 355,000. 

Every donation, no matter how small, will bring us one step closer to bringing Safiyya home where she can receive the care and support she desperately needs. 

Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

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