
Child Development Initiative Alliance (CDIA) 青少年發展企業聯盟

  • Hong Kong    Children, Youth
Raised So Far HKD 9,912

Child Development Initiative Alliance (CDIA) 青少年發展企業聯盟

青少年發展企業聯盟 ( CDIA ) 於2013年由一群關心香港下代發展的社會人士發起,並於2014年正式成立,是民間慈善機構(慈善團體註冊編號:91/14125),宗旨是作為工商各界扶育和協助青少年發展的開放平台,匯聚商界資源力量,通過為年青人提供職場教育,幫助本港基層青少年向上流動,協助及配合政府扶育下代,藉此解決跨代貧窮問題,為社會培養人才,令經濟持續發展。

CDIA ( ) is a community charity established in 2013 by a group of caring community leaders with a mission to nurture deprived youths in our community. It channels resources of the business sector and opens opportunities of work experience for them so they can move upward. CDIA contributes to Hong Kong and our motherland by developing our youths to become valuable talent resources for the sustainable growth of our economies.

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