Personal Fundraising

Dave Chew

  • Malaysia    Abuse
Raised So Far MYR 2,650

Dave Chew

After reviewing the court's judgement and the case facts again, we decided to appeal to the High Court as we are in the opinion that we are not given a fair trial due to the following factors:

  • The Session Judge still may not able to understand the nature and implications of the backdoor/Trojan codes
  • We are not even awarded any damages claim for the breach of notice period
  • This Court's judgment would set a precedence for future cases that planting backdoor/Trojan codes are acceptable as long there was no real attack which could be bad for our tech ecosystem
We have spent about RM50k for the legal cost inclusive of legal fees, disbursement and the cybersecurity investigation to-date. Our startup company has ran out of funding and I also paid about 1/3 of the cost from my own pocket. As I'm accountable to our investor, SOSV (a global Venture Capital firm) and more importantly to strengthen our judicial system, I urge if you can chip in some to pool the legal fees for us to appeal to the Higher Court. 

I shall provide the legal invoice and share the donor the Court's documents accordingly. Thank you very much for your contribution 

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