Personal Fundraising

Maria Beatriz Marcos

  • Philippines    Children

Maria Beatriz Marcos

Shawn Marion Reyes Marcos is the name of my 9-year-old son. He is a very active child who enjoys Playing basketball with his friends. I am proud to say that my son plays basketball very well... an exemplary player at his age. Unfortunately, his passion for playing basketball needs to be set aside for the meantime.

He had recurring fever wherein the last fever he had, he began complaining of having chest pains while breathing. We brought him to the hospital and was eventually confined due to a very fast heart rate. Later, he was diagnosed as having a Rheumatic Fever with Carditis. According to his Doctor (Pediatric-Cardiologist), he has a swelling heart with all 4 valves leaking. This causes his heart to pump very fast which is not normal for his age. The doctor said that if the heart pumps so fast it will have a tendency to stop... that is what we are trying to avoid. He is under Sumapen (antibiotic) and 600 mg of aspirin to control the swelling of his heart.

Aside from these medications, he also needs to undergo Penicillin Injection every 21 days until he reaches 35 years old. This is traumatic for a 9-year-old boy but we have nothing to do but for him to be injected Penicillin every 21 days to avoid his sickness from getting worst.

Having my own condition (Psoriasis with Psoriatic Arthritis) and having my own treatment (which is quite expensive as well), it is quite a challenge for us to provide the necessary medications for him and to be able to afford the follow-up check-ups and laboratory tests needed for him.

This is the reason why I am seeking for everyone's kindness in helping me fund for my son's treatments, medications, laboratory tests and follow up check ups. May you all find it in your heart to help a little boy get better. 
Thank you in advance!

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