Personal Fundraising

Michael Joshua Pagaduan

  • Philippines    Arts, Mental Health
Raised So Far PHP 200

Michael Joshua Pagaduan

Chasing Venus is a sci-fi drama about mental health.

Chasing Venus is about Orion, a man who is struggling with anxiety and depression, as he runs away from a traumatic experience and isolates himself from everyone. Orion is eventually haunted by visions of an astronaut stuck in an alien forest. These visions will force to him to stop running and face his problems head on with the help of people who love him.

A few years back I had my first panic attack. I didn't know what to do. I was at school just watching a friend's short film. All of a sudden my heart started racing and I couldn't breathe. I ran to get some water to calm me down but nothing happened. I quickly got inside the elevator to go to the clinic. As the elevator doors closed my chest felt tighter and I was on the verge of fainting. I ran as fast as I can until I reached the clinic. There I was told that I was indeed having a panic attack. Those few minutes felt like an eternity. These attacks happened more often as the days went by. Eventually, I got diagnosed with anxiety disorder and mild depression.

My battle with anxiety has been really tough, but I can gladly say that I'm doing better now. Therapy has been helpful, but what really worked for me is having an amazing support circle. My family, girlfriend, and best friends have all been supportive in these difficult situations. Having a positive environment is a game changer. Love may not be the cure to my condition, but it's more than enough to sustain me.
That is why I wrote this story. I want people to know that surrounding themselves with people who love them can make a huge difference in this battle. By helping me fund this short film, you are helping me tell people who are going through the same battle that they are not alone.

OUR CREW (so far)
Producer - Giselle Barrientos (writer & content creator for
Editor - Mariah Santuico (TV & digital video editor)

Funds for the film will be used for:
- Hiring Actors and Key Staff
- Equipment
- Renting Locations 
- Production Design
- Logistics
- Marketing & Distributing the film

Please help me turn my vision into reality! By making this into a short film we are going to touch people's lives and hopefully leave a positive impact. Any amount will be of tremendous help.

Thank you in advance for all your support and help!! Please feel free to message me to know more details about Chasing Venus!

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