
Supported by: Hand To Paw Foundation, Chiang Mai and Soi Dog Foundation, Thailand

My Story

DRUMROLL…… SPEY DAY on 3rd August 2024 has just happened! 50 dogs and 78 cats were spayed, all in 6 hours! The impact of today will be felt across the community with these animals now unable to reproduce, less likely to contract diseases such as CTVT, and the increase in the overall wellbeing of those animals and their families that no longer have extra mouths to feed. The added trust that the community is gaining in surgical sterilisation is paramount to future projects….. yes there will be more, this is just stage 1 of my 12 month plan! 

Today was a win:win all around. However, we have pulled up a little short on the original funding target due to the extra 8 cats that got spayed (500thb each), a slightly larger veterinary and support team  and the expenses associated with that!!!!. The team drove 4 hours (leaving around 5am) to get to MaeChaem. This required petrol, food and basic accommodation to be provided.
If you can spare a few dollars/pounds/baht that will be a huge help.
Any extra funds will go towards the next project so every little bit is priceless to the cause. 

I also recommend following both the BEES and Amandine Hand to Paw facebook pages for awesome photos of the day  

. This UPDATE 25 July, 2024: YOU DID IT! The funding for stage 1 has been reached, and then some! The remainder of any funds gives us the buffer we so desperately wanted, in case of unforeseen expenses. Whatever doesn’t get spent then will roll over in to STAGE II 😻

The team is working hard behind the scenes lining up venues, booking accommodation, obtaining government paperwork and of course compiling the ever growing wait list of cats & dogs. This is a big task in itself as the team need to educate the community about the process; it’s a big step forward for the locals of Mae Chaem and we are so proud of them.

We haven’t forgotten you, our donors are the lifeblood of this project. We will be back in touch with an update when we can report the success of the day, less than 8 days away! 

UPDATE 19 July, 2024: THANK YOU to those who have donated already. We are so close! Phase 1 is only 6500thb short! THAT EQUATES TO 13 CAT SPAYS. Can you dig deep to cover the $268AU, $180US, €165, £139 required to secure getting the capped maximum cats spayed on the day, 3rd August?

Update 15 July, 2024 : Your support remains crucial for the cats and dogs that I’m committed to helping, so please keep donating.

Today’s news is transformational for 140 cats & dogs living in the mountainous region of Mae Chaem in northern Thailand where veterinary help simply doesn´t exist.   Your continuing donations are vital to reach the target for the first phase of BEES sterilisation project, which gets my heartfelt support and starts next month.

140 Cats and Dogs Win: With a grant from Soi Dog Foundation (SDF) who understands how critical it is to Spay the animals in these remote mountainous areas to avoid suffering, and with a private donation to support 50 cat spays, BEES in Mae Chaem is ready for Phase 1 starting in early August with a target of 70 dog & 70 cat spays.  This wouldn´t be possible without the expert operational support of Amandine of Hand to Paw Foundation in Chiang Mai. Our gratitude to Amandine, her vet team and our donors is immense. Thank you.

Phase I total is now fully costed at 46,000BAHT: With current donations on this site as of today (16/07/24) and with the SDF grant for the surgery taken into account, we need a further 18,555Baht to reach our initial target for the early August spay day.  

Please dig deep. 🙏🏻

This project total covers 20 female cat spays not funded so far, basic accommodation and vet team transport into the remote region which is a 7 hour round trip from Chiang Mai in northern Thailand.  And of course there are other incidentals and overheads which are perhaps less sexy in your eyes than veterinary surgery & treatments, but nevertheless they have to be covered for a successful project.

Thanks to you all, and please help me make this project a success.  🙏🏻

Since the pandemic there has been a massive surge in unwanted litters of puppies and kittens being born in to poverty and/or homelessness and exposed to the dangers us humans present, such as motor vehicle accidents. Why is this happening? Because for 2 years veterinary teams stopped travelling to remote areas, tourism halted (that used to bring international veterinary experts to Thailand) and rural Thailand fell deeper in to poverty. My good friends at BEES lost all their guests and therefore their income, resulting in the pot running dry for funding for sterilisation projects. 
Well, we are back in business, so to speak! The BEES team have worked hard to get mass sterilisation projects back up and running but there are currently no subsidised projects on offer. This is where YOU come in. For just $25AUD you can fund one female cat or dog to be sterilised. Even donating the money for a coffee helps the “kitty”! The veterinary teams can do 100-150 surgeries in a day, but we need the funding to get the go ahead. (UPDATE: STAGE 1 confirmed for August with 140 animals planned)
My personal aim is to assist in funding 400 female cats and dogs in the next 12 months. Together we can do it 

Recent Donors

  • Madeleine Hackett

    What an amazing team helping the dogs and cats of Mae Chaem!

    THB 2,000 08/05/2024 07:20:25 AM UTC

  • Offline via PayPal S.Tomasetti

    THB 8,427 08/04/2024 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Offline Via PayPal V.Wheeler

    THB 792 08/04/2024 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Offline via PayPal U.Dicks

    THB 1,686 08/04/2024 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Joan Huddleston

    THB 1,200 08/03/2024 04:32:00 PM UTC

  • Offline Via PayPal L.J. Spencer

    THB 1,418 08/03/2024 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    AUD 100 07/29/2024 07:39:50 AM UTC

  • Offline via S.C Connie Jones

    THB 1,000 07/23/2024 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Tomi Yummi, Hilicia and Jameel The La Bonita Team

    THB 1,000 07/23/2024 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Offline via S.C ANH DO

    USD 200 07/20/2024 12:00:00 AM UTC

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