
"Fundraising for Shine Home Association" Let's together be the superheroes helping the children to fight big battles! Caring is sharing. Let's support them to create a beautiful world.❤️More details at: 1) 2)“援助槟城深爱残障儿童福利中心” 筹款活动爱,无限,让弱势站起来! 献出你的爱心,给孩子们关爱。❤️欲知更多详情:1) 2)

My Story

Hi guys, we are here to inform that our fundraising activity has ended successfully‼️ Thank you for your support and donation to the WarmHeart Club❤️ We have successfully raised a total amount of RM1894 which have actually more than our target before🤭🤩 Your generosity is much appreciated! 🥰 Also, our Facebook and Instagram pages will be deleted soon so once again thank you for supporting! 
Hi everyone!! We are from Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TARUC) Penang Branch 1DBU1 (Diploma in Business Administration Year 1 Semester 3 students. We are going to conduct an activity of fund raising for the people in need.🙏🏼 As we know, this Covid-19 pandemic has been spreading around the corner of our world. Unfortunately, our nation has been fighting with the Covid-19 for a long period. On top of that, the economy of Malaysia and the daily routine of millions of people are deeply affected by this pandemic as well as most of the organization. Therefore, we are organizing a fundraising event for the Shine Home Association Bukit Mertajam Penang to help the association to overcome their difficulties. Shine Home upholds the spirit of great love, regardless of background, to support them and provide comprehensive welfare for children and people with disabilities who need special care. Currently Shine Home has adopted and looked after 35 “special” children including down syndrome, joint contracture, mentally retarded, autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Your kind and caring heart have meant so much to each of them. Greatly appreciate it!!
We are WarmHeart Club!  Your giving is the sign of your loving.❤️

大家好,我们是来自槟城拉曼大学学院1DBU1的学生。在此,我们将举办一个捐款活动来帮助有需要的人。众所周知,疫情已席卷全球,我国也不例外,并导致了我国的经济和一些机构都受到了影响。因此,我们决定为深爱残障儿童福利中心进行筹款以解燃眉之愁。我们衷心地希望大家能够全力地支持我们的筹款项目。深爱残障儿童福利中心秉持着大爱的精神,不分背景,致力为有需要特别照顾的孩童及残障人士提供完善福利。目前 “深爱残障儿童福利中心” 已经收养和照顾 35 名不同症状的孩子,其中包括唐氏综合征,关节挛缩,智障,自闭症,过度活跃症。希望借助各界善心人士的力量可以给予支持和援助,让更多人知道他们的需要。
“献出一份爱心,托起一份希望。”️❤️ 我们是WarmHeart Club!你们的支持是我们的动力!

Recent Donors

  • Joyce Low

    Little by little, a little becomes a lot.

    MYR 10 03/23/2021 01:11:07 AM UTC

  • TEH

    MYR 30 03/04/2021 03:55:24 AM UTC

  • Bong Qin Zhe

    MYR 10 02/27/2021 08:03:33 AM UTC

  • Cheah Siew Hong

    MYR 50 02/21/2021 12:52:41 PM UTC

  • rong her

    MYR 300 02/21/2021 09:29:38 AM UTC

  • Mandy Low

    MYR 20 02/20/2021 12:29:12 PM UTC

  • Low Hui Juan


    SGD 20 02/18/2021 03:30:24 PM UTC

  • Tan Yee Shen

    MYR 50 02/18/2021 01:07:54 PM UTC

  • Lim Wooi Kheng

    MYR 50 02/18/2021 12:42:35 PM UTC

  • Lai Yee Woon

    MYR 50 02/18/2021 12:35:58 PM UTC

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