Malaysian AIDS Foundation

Malaysia     Children,HIV & AIDS,Medical & Health,Social Welfare

Fundraisers ( 22 Results )

Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 1,000,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

PENDERITAAN PLHIV “Dunia seolah runtuh…!” demikian pengakuan seorang ibu yang mengetahui bahawa dirinya positif menghidap (HIV). Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), adalah salah satu virus yang punca melemahkan sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia. Penyakitnya sendiri disebut AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) iaitu sekumpulan gejala dan jangkitan (sindrom) yang timbul kerana dapat merosakkan sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia akibat jangkitan virus (HIV). Penyakit ini menjadi bual bicara bagi masyarakat sekeliling kita kerana sampai saat ini belum ada ubat pulih sepenuhnya, sekali sahaja terkena jangkitan (HIV) tersebut, maka virus itu akan ada dalam tubuh seumur hidupnya. Di situlah timbulnya diskriminasi atau lebih kepada stigma mangsa keadaan yang berstatus (PLHIV), mereka dipandang rendah, diasingkan dan menjadi cemuhan dalam masyarakat kita. Apakah dunia benar-benar runtuh dan tidak ada harapan lagi bagi (PLHIV) ? Jawapannya adalah tidak. Saat ini (PLHIV) dapat hidup sebagaimana kehidupan manusia normal yang hidup secara lainnya. SOKONGAN MAFYayasan AIDS Malaysia (MAF) dibentuk pada tahun 1993 untuk mengumpulkan dan mentadbir dana untuk menyokong aktiviti dan program Majlis AIDS Malaysia (MAF) dan Organisasi Rakannya. Ini termasuk rumah perlindungan bagi orang yang hidup dengan HIV, termasuk wanita dan anak-anak yang telah ditinggalkan oleh keluarga mereka, program jangkauan untuk masyarakat terpinggir dan program pertukaran jarum dan jarum suntik (NSEP) untuk pengguna ubat suntikan. Dengan adanya adanya sokongan MAF dan kerjasama kita semua dapat memberi perubahan kepada mereka (PLHIV).  

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Raised So Far : MYR 440

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

  Ibu tunggal hidap HIV resah fikirkan 4 anak KOTA BHARU: Seorang ibu tunggal penghidap HIV resah memikirkan masa depan empat anaknya termasuk seorang yang kurang upaya.Saleha, 48, (bukan nama sebenar) dari Kampung Baung, Pengkalan Chepa, dekat sini, disahkan menghidap HIV kira-kira lapan tahun lalu, selepas kematian suaminya. Ibu tunggal itu yang mencari rezeki sebagai tukang jahit, berkata beliau hanya tahu menghidap penyakit berkenaan apabila berhasrat berkahwin lain pada 2012 dan membuat pemeriksaan darah."Pemeriksaan darah mengesahkan saya dijangkiti HIV. Hancur luluh hati menerima berita itu, hampir putus asa kerana memikirkan tidak lagi memiliki masa depan."Namun, mengenangkan empat anak termasuk sepasang kembar dan seorang daripada mereka yang bisu, saya cekalkan perasaan untuk meneruskan hidup seperti biasa."Sejak disahkan menghidap HIV, saya berulang alik ke Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II di Kota Bharu untuk mendapatkan rawatan sebelum dikesan menghidap satu lagi penyakit berbahaya," katanya ketika ditemui di rumahnya, hari ini.Katanya, beliau turut disahkan menghidap talasemia atau ketidakmampuan tubuh menghasilkan sel darah merah dan hemoglobin.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 720

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

HOW DO PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV ARE BEING TREATED?HEY HEY guys, People Living With HIV are still human and with feelings yeah, and trust me NO ONE ASKED FOR IT AND NO CHILDREN ASKED TO BE BORN WITH HIV "  a) They are losing their dignity and income just bcoz of HIV VIRUS :Saif was diagnosed with HIV virus years ago and has got a nice job to support his family. (did not declared to his Employer ) As years passed by Saif was promoted in his position to and some how or rather he did a mistake by confiding his "problem" to a close friend @ Sham. Saif"s employer came to know about this and he was terminated. Why? Employer"s thinking, mindset .. by keeping him Company"s name will be tarnished , embarrassment, HIV can be spread by working together.. n so on. Little did the Employer think what will happen to Saif and why didn"t he declared to them? Trust is gone for Saif and looking for a different job will be difficult (with the current COVID) ) & to support his family and medications he should be taking ... WHY ? WHY can't his Employer talk to him after all he is good in his job n just because of HIV he is being treated in such a manner ? Even we ourselves find difficulties in getting a job just imagine those people!!! b) Difficult or not given an opportunity to pursue studies at higher level : Basically i believe all of us are supposed to undergo a medical checkup before reporting to work or even an University. Do u guys believe a HIV student can study peacefully or even can get friends after he or she informed the University administration ? How sure that the news won't leaked out? Not saying that they need to lie on their check up results but to where their future lies if DISCRIMINATION n STIGMA takes place if higher authority can't keep a secret of the students medical results ? Is is wrong if they have to hide certain things in order to gain something good? Well this things still going on not in Malaysia but everywhere. If non HIV students need to get education how about those living with HIV? Same goes to school children too no frens, isolated, humialiation and teachers refused to teach them. .. Aren't they human and need a future ? c ) Double standard at hospitals People Living With HIV do face so many types of challenges in terms of education and getting treatment too. Happened if HIV patients don't declare their health condition and if it is find out later , they are being humiliated and wrongly judged and even some medical personnel refused to treat them which is not supposed to happen. At times PLHIV have to wait longer to be treated. Where else this people are being treated equally nice by Doctors and Nurses who are sensitive with their conditions. This is why Doctors & Nurses are being trained and to attend a course by it's name HIV CONNECT. Wonder why this things still happen yeah ? d) Judgement towards People Living With HIV : GUYS GUYS why are we looking down on them yeah ? Do you think they asked for it ? Everyone does mistakes in their lives and realized it later & sometimes it's too late and sometimes can be corrected. HIV is just a virus but then the impact and judgemental against them which kills them. Let's say if someone is being diagnosed with cancer why the mindset says that the person did not asked for it and why if some one is diagnosed with HIV the mindset says a lot of things and misjudgement happens ? Just imagine PLHIV are not given a place for rental and have to evacuate their houses. People living with Hiv are not disgusting , dirty n so on. Do understand their feelings and put ourselves in their shoes. THAT IS WHY I'M GONNA TELL U GUYS THAT HIV AND AIDS ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS : HIV Is Human Immunodeficiency Virus which attacks cells that help the body fight infection. IF HIV is not being treated it can lead to AIDS .Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS is the last stage of HIV infection that occurs when the body's immune system is badly damaged bcoz of the virus.  How HIV is being transmitted ? ONLY 4 WAYS YEAH : Unprotected sex ( sex without condoms with an HIV partner ) Sharing needles among users (Sharing of needles or injecting equipment contaminated with HIV ) Positive Mother to child during pregnancy, during birth and breast feeding. Blood Transfusion ( transfusion or blood products contaminated with HIV ) OK GUYS I AM HERE TO VOICE OUT FOR THEM ... THIS PEOPLE ARE HUMANS AND ARE NORMAL LIKE US . THEY NEED TO CARRY ON WITH THEIR LIVE(S) JUST LIKE US. BUT BCOZ OF MISJUDGING, FEELING DISGUSTED, N SO ON MAKES THEM TO FEEL THE DISCRIMINATION AND STIGMA. WHY N WHY ?  ALL THEY NEED IS SOMEONE TO HELP THEM IN TERMS OF TREATING THEM EQUALLY, SUPPORT THEM IN EDUCATION AND A JOB OPPORTUNITY. THEY NEED MEDICATIONS TO TREAT THEIR CONDITIONS JUST LIKE OTHER ILLNESSES.MAYBE WE DON'T UNDERSTAND THEIR SITUATION  BUT AT LEAST HAVE THE COURTESY TO FEEL PITY FOR THEM. CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE AND WITHOUT EDUCATION NOTHING HAPPENS AND I BELIEVE NO ONE WANTS TO BE BORN WITH HIV ? So guys hopefully my small info helps about the wrong judgement about People Living With HIV. if u guys change your mind, do u mind spending the least for them by donating to my link PLEASE.. a little means so much for them .. " if you judge people , you have no time to love them ." - Mother Teresa.    

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Raised So Far : MYR 1,907

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

HOW DOES PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV ARE BEING TREATED ".HEY HEY guys, People Living With HIV are still human and with feelings yeah, and trust us NO ONE ASKED FOR IT AND NO CHILDREN ASKED TO BE BORN WITH HIV " a) We are losing our dignity and income just bcoz of HIV VIRUS : Saif was diagnosed with HIV virus years ago and has got a nice job to support his family. ( unfortunately did not declared to his Employer ). As years passed by Saif was promoted in his position too and some how or rather he did a mistake by confiding his "problem" to a friend @ Sham. Saif"s employer came to know about this and he was terminated. Why? Employer"s thinking, mindset .. by keeping him Company"s name will be tarnished , embarrassment, HIV can be spread by working together.. n so on. Little did the Employer think what will happen to Saif and why didn"t he declared to them? Trust is gone for Saif and looking for a different job will be difficult (with the current COVID) ) & to support his family and medications he should be taking ... WHY ? WHY can't his Employer talk to him after all he is good in his job n just because of HIV he is being treated in such a manner ? Even we ourselves find difficulties in getting a job just imagine those people!!! b) Difficult or not given an opportunity to pursue studies at higher level :Basically i believed all of us are supposed to undergo a medical checkup before reporting to work or even an University. Do u guys believe a HIV student can study peacefully or even can get friends after he or she informed the University administration ? How sure that the news won't leaked out? Not saying that they need to lie on their check up results but to where their future lies if DISCRIMINATION n STIGMA takes place if higher authority can't keep a secret of the students medical results ? Is is wrong if you have to hide certain things in order to gain something good? Well this things still going on not in Malaysia but everywhere. If non HIV students need to get education how about those living with HIV? Aren't they human and need a future ? c ) Unequal treatment at hospitals People Living With HIV do face so many types of challenges in terms of education and getting treatment too. Happened if HIV patients don't declare their health condition and if it is find out later , they are being humiliated and wrongly judged and even some Hospital personel ( who are not being educated / trained about HIV ) refused to treat them which is not supposed to happen. Where else this people are being treated equally nice by Doctors and Nurses who are sensitive with their conditions. This is why Doctors & Nurses are being trained and to attend a course by it's name HIV CONNECT. Wonder why this things still happen yeah ? d) Judgement towards People Living With HIV :GUYS GUYS why are we looking down on them yeah ? Do u think they asked for it ? Everyone does mistakes in their lives and realised it later & sometimes it's too late and sometimes can be corrected. HIV is just a virus but then the impact and judgemental against them which kills them. Let's say if someone is being diagnosed with cancer why the mindset says that the person did not asked for it and y if some one is diagnosed with HIV the mindset says a lot of things and misjudgement happens ? People living with Hiv are not disgusting , dirty n so on. Do understand their feelings and put ourselves in their shoes.OK GUYS I AM HERE TO VOICE OUT FOR THEM ... THIS PEOPLE ARE HUMANS N ARE NORMAL LIKE US . THEY NEED TO CARRY ON THEIR LIVE(S) JUST LIKE U N ME. BUT BCOZ OF MISJUDGING, FEELING DISGUSTED, N SO ON MAKES THEM TO FEEL THE DISCRIMINATION AND STIGMA. WHY N WHY ? MAYBE WE DON'T UNDERSTAND THEIR SITUATION AND Y DOES IT HAPPEN BUT AT LEAST HAVE THE COURTESY TO FEEL PITY FOR THEM. ALL THEY NEED IS SOMEONE TO HELP THEM IN TERMS OF TREATING THEM EQUALLY, SUPPORT THEM IN EDUCATION AND A JOB OPPORTUNITY. THEY NEED MEDICATIONS TO TREAT THEIR CONDITIONS JUST LIKE OTHER ILLNESSES.CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE AND WITHOUT EDUCATION NOTHING HAPPENS AND I BELIEVED NO ONE WANTS TO BE BORN WITH HIV ? THAT IS WHY I'M GONNA TELL U GUYS THAT HIV AND AIDS ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS :HIV IS Human Immunodeficiency Virus which attacks the body's immune system. IF HIV is not being treated it can lead to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ).How HIV is being transmitted ?Only 4 ways yeah : ... Unprotected sex ( sex without condoms with an HIV partner )                                 ... Sharing needles among users (Sharing of needles or injecting equipment contaminated with HIV )                              Positive Mother to child during pregnancy, during birth and breast feeding.                                 Blood Transfusion ( transfusion or blood products contaminated with HIV )HIV is NOT Transmitted Through : Kissing, Sharing food and utensils, Sneezes/ coughs / sweat / tears / urine, caring for someone living with Hiv, contact with intact externalskin such as shaking hands and hugging. Sharing public amenities such as telephones, swimming pools and toilets. Sharing living, working and studying places. Insect or animal bites including mosquitoes.So guys hopefully my small info helps about the mis info and wrong judgement about People Living With HIV.if u guys change your mind, do u mind spending the least for them by donating to my link PLEASE.. a little means so much for them .. " if you judge people , you have no time to love them ." - Mother Teresa.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

When I was a fundraiser, I remember being hesitant to ask my family and friends to fund a campaign but rather sharing that little knowledge I had just to create a small change within my own circle and more so because I was extremely shy to 'seek favor'. I am eternally grateful for them as often times they would come to me and asked how to help. Kakak (sister in Malay) has always been supportive and keen to what information I have to share. I can tell she looked up to me despite doing odd job. What struck me most when we were talking about charities was the moment she said to me "but then I won't be able to help YOU". Mind you I was no longer a fundraiser at that point. To be honest, it was never easy to feel proud of what I am and have been doing. It still is a struggle to explain what I do and sometimes even looked down upon. But her words keep me smiling whenever I remember them.So as she passed away from acute liver failure recently, I have been giving sadaqah (voluntary act of charity in Arabic) in her name as requested by my parents and that has helped me so much with coping. And I will continue to do so to ease up this goodbye. So here I am, back at fundraising. To keep helping and reaching out for those extra hands. I guess this is much more or less, my way of keeping her presence :) An-Nur Diyanah binti Baharin Tahir05 Nov 1996 - 09 Apr 2020Al-Fatihah  

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Raised So Far : MYR 1,275

Target : MYR 4,293


Raised So Far : MYR 5,009

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

Every millisecond counts. To date, a lot of innocent lives were taken due to COVID-19 infection. We all are waiting for COVID-19 vaccine to be available and I am looking forward to witness that. However, HIV has yet no known vaccine or cure. Instead, we do have its medicine. Don’t let their lives be taken due to HIV next.   

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Raised So Far : MYR 2,494

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

Zahra (not her real name), 39, found out that she was HIV positive when she went for a medical check-up during her pregnancy 17 years ago. Her doctor recommended her to start immediate antiretroviral treatment to prevent her unborn child from getting infected. Soon after she gave birth, her husband died from brain tumour and she was left alone to care for her son, who is now 16 years old. A former nurse, Zahra found it tough to find a stable job to support her family due to her HIV status. She faced a lot of stigma and discrimination when applying for jobs, especially those that require her to do a HIV test. She also needs to go for frequent medical check-ups and follow-ups which caused a financial drain on her. However, due to stress and her deteriorating health, Zahra defaulted on her treatment regime and developed resistance to her first-line treatment. As a result, she now needs second-line treatment which is not provided free at government hospitals. The medications cost her up to RM500 a month.  Zahra was delighted when she qualified for the MyLady Assistance Scheme run by the Malaysian AIDS Foundation. The programme gives her the opportunity to expand her family’s business by equipping her with vocational skills and financial aid. She has set her sights on opening a restaurant so she can better provide for her family. “My family is all that I have left in this world. They have been with me through good and bad times. I am so happy to be given this chance to turn my life around and become a successful businesswoman one day,” she said.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 671

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

Society is bracing the impact of COVID-19. People Living with HIV, particularly those with weakened immune system are facing elevated risk of contracting the disease. Our HIV community – many who are from economically-deprived background and already suffering from stigma and discrimination – will bear the worst brunt from the economic fallout due to the COVID-19 epidemic.The Malaysian AIDS Foundation is determined to continue our mission to help People Living with HIV in Malaysia. We will pull out all the stops to cushion the blow of COVID-19 on the HIV community and continue running our life-saving programmes during these troubled times, but we need your help.You can make a difference.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 405

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

How stigma affects people living with HIV?"My daughter refused to go hospital to receive medicines. My daughter died because of the fear of stigmatization and discrimination."  People with HIV and AIDS are nothing to be afraid of. They are people just like every single one of us, and each has a story to tell. These people should be helped, embraced, and not dismissed. We need to open our hearts and our minds to them, and we just may learn we're pretty much all the same. HIV doesn’t stop PLHIV (people living with hiv)  to live a long, happy and fulfilling life, with the right treatment and support. Join me, to help them. Every contribution helps, no matter how small.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 661

Target : MYR 10,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

JEFF LAU IS RAISING FUNDS FOR AIDS AGAIN273 KM7 DAYS 6-STAGE SELF-SUPPORTED RACE ACROSS THE TOUGHEST LANDSCAPE ON EARTHFrom 22 September 2018 (GMT – 6H), Jeff will join an elite group of 130 battle-hardened ultra marathoners to compete in the Grand 2 Grand Ultra Race. The G2G is the first self-supported stage footrace ever to take place in America on a world-class course that had been experienced by few but the bravest of adventurers. It is the only stage race to start from one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, the awe-inspiring north rim of the Grand Canyon, and finish on the summit of the Grand Staircase, one of the world's most iconic geological formations. Amidst this majestic natural theatre, G2G will no doubt, push the limits of human endurance. Jeff and his fellow runners will need to dig deep to uncover his untapped strength and build on his courage and determination. As an elite ultra marathon runner, Jeff has proven to be worth his mettle when he took part in an impressive list of gruelling high endurance events such as the legendary Marathon des Sables in the Saharan African desert, the Ultra Challenge in the Canadian Arctic Region and Amazon jungle run, to name a few - all in the name of raising awareness for HIV and AIDS. It is a mandate that he proudly carries and wears as a badge of honour.If you wish to show your support to Jeff and his Herculean pursuit, please make a donation to the Malaysian AIDS Foundation through this page. Your contribution will be used to support Treatment, Care and Support Programme for People Living with HIV. * All donations RM100 and above are entitled for Tax Exemption receipt from the Malaysian AIDS Foundation SPECIAL GIFT FROM THE MALAYSIAN AIDS FOUNDATIONAll donation above RM 300 will receive the Take Me Home Bear by the Malaysian AIDS Foundation DAILY UPDATES FROM JEFF LAU Jeff Lau - Day 1 G2G (25 September 2018)Just done day 1, 50km, 2nd longest distance of the race, long day will be on day3, 80++km.Today run is ok, weather is good, not too hot. A lot of cacti on the road, some participant got injured because accidentally step on it. Miss Malaysia food already. Special thanks to Siti Hajar Balqeist Mohd Noor and Elise Loh for your lovely message, I will do my best to complete the race.You can email me through their website, g2g ultra official website. (Lau Jun Tean 604)Jeff Lau - Day 2 G2G (24 Sept 2018)Today is a tough day, is 10km shorter than yesterday, but today route is tough and no cloud, so hot… I am a bit no confident and scared for tomorrow long stage 86km. because today and yesterday was the easiest route of the race. Tomorrow is 75% sand dune, I hope I can make it in one go. Few more blister today, but those are the worst one, small and not ready to poke it, so annoying… Thanks Dishwasher group / sausage group message (Karen & Gary sent message to me too ) I will do my best and make it to the end. Miss Malaysia food so much now.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 24,273

Target : MYR 40,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

From Gifts to Gifts started out as a project to help kidney with kidney dialysis, now it's our fourth year and we need as much help as ever!  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 100,000


Raised So Far : MYR 80

Target : MYR 500

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

Ada jalan yang lurus dan ada jalan yang menyimpang, pimpini dia dan tolong dia kearah jalan yang lurus.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

I think the reason most people don’t get tested is that they still think it is a death sentence. I believe people must know that people are living and surviving this disease. If you make them realize that they will surely die if they don’t get medical help, than I think people will want to be tested.I would also focus on the fact that they will have to live with the horror of giving this disease to another person because they didn’t know they had it.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 1,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

Please help me by supporting underprivileged Children Living with HIV!HIV and AIDS on children is seen most dramatically in the numbers of children and adolescents orphaned by AIDS. They are deemed the most vulnerable because they face grave risks to their education, health, and well-being. Many more children live with parents who are chronically ill, live in households that have taken in orphans or have lost their family members to AIDS and they are all equally affected by the epidemic. Despite of their young age, these children were not spared from being the victim of stigma and discrimination - so much so that they were compelled to keep their HIV at absolute secrecy when attended public school for fear of offending parents of other children. Together we can make a differenceTogether We Act Against AIDSEvery donation more than RM 50.00, I will give a custom-made keychain with your name on it! :) - something similar with the picture above as a token of appreciation apart than the Tax Exemption Receipt issued by Malaysian AIDS Foundation (only for RM50 and above 100% donation eligible for tax exemption)Thank you in advance for your donation :)  

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Raised So Far : MYR 10

Target : MYR 3,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

We share the global vision of ushering an AIDS free generation, which is attainable by eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV and ensuring that children living with HIV receive universal access to anti-retroviral treatment. Every single contribution pledged to the Malaysian AIDS Foundation takes us one step closer to an AIDS free generation. This children need our support toward their long journey to grown up as normal children. I'm begging all of you can donate toward this cause.   

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Raised So Far : MYR 110

Target : MYR 2,500

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

About Malaysian AIDS FoundationThe Malaysian AIDS Foundation (MAF) was formed in 1993 to raise and administer funds to support the activities and programmes of Malaysian AIDS Council (MAF) and its Partner Organisations. MAF was formally incorporated under the Trustees (Incorporation) Act 1952 on May 13, 2003, under the patronage of YABhg Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor. MAF supports the activities of MAC and its Partner Organisations across the country to implement projects funded by the Ministry of Health and other funding bodies. These include shelter homes for People Living with HIV, including women and children who have been abandoned by their families, outreach programmes for marginalised communities and needle and syringe exchange programme (NSEP) for injecting drug users.Objectives of the Malaysian AIDS FoundationPrevent the spread of HIV in Malaysia;Increase public awareness and knowledge on HIV issues;Support Malaysians living with HIV, including women and children orphaned or made vulnerble by AIDS; andProtect the rights of PLHIV who may suffer discrimination due to their HIV statusLET’S ACT AGAINST AIDS!The Act Against AIDS is an awareness and fundraising campaign that aim to address the AIDS epidemic and its impact on the lives of every Malaysians.Malaysian AIDS Foundation is compelled to launch this fundraising campaign because there is a growing perception in this country that the HIV and AIDS battle has been won, and the we are ready to move forward and address many other healthcare issues. While we are certainly proud of the many great achievements that has been made for the past 30 years, this is certainly not the time for us to put HIV and AIDS in the back burner. Malaysia currently record 9 new HIV infections per day, and the epidemic is now being driven by sexual transmission, which means that young people are now facing much greater risk of getting infected. We are not doing enough to educate our young people about the risks associated with HIV and AIDS, and it is a potential healthare time bomb if we do not act fast enough.We should also be aware about the plight of more than 80,000 People Living with HIV in Malaysia - many of whom are from underprivileged backgrounds with The Act Against AIDS is an awareness and fundraising campaign that aim to address the AIDS epidemic and its impact on the lives of every access to basic health care and suffer stigma and discrimination attached to HIV & AIDS – in work place, in public services, even in education sector. The epidemic is also affecting children and young people. The impact of HIV and AIDS on children is seen most dramatically in the numbers of children and adolescents orphaned by AIDS. They are deemed the most vulnerable because they face grave risks to their education, health, and well-being. Many more children live with parents who are chronically ill, live in households that have taken in orphans or have lost their family members to AIDS and they are all equally affected by the epidemic.The Act Againts AIDS Campaign is a rallying call every Malaysian to make a postive changes in the society.We need to do the best that we can to stop the HIV and AIDS epidemic and preserve the dignity and uphold the rights of every People Living with HIV.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 100

Target : MYR 10,000

Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 1,000

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

On the 17th of July 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot out of the air over Ukraine airspace, killing all on board. A number of those passengers were AIDS researchers and policy makers headed to the AIDS 2014 conference in Melbourne - amongst those lost include prominent HIV researcher and University of Amsterdam Dept of Global Health head Joep Lange, as well as World Health Organisation spokesman Glenn Raymond Thomas. In honor of MH17 and those lost on board, I am setting up a fundraiser for the Malaysian AIDS Foundation, which manages funds for the Malaysian AIDS Council. The Malaysian AIDS Council supports the works of NGOs and others in providing care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS, raising awareness about HIV/AIDS, and preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS. Your donations will go straight to MAC, minus fees by SimpleGiving (5% plus PayPal charges). I've contacted MAC and they referred me to here as the best way to collect funds from overseas. QUICK GUIDE TO DONATION AMOUNTS: All donation amounts on the site are in Malaysian Ringgit. PayPal takes care of the conversion upon donating. Here is a chart that converts them to US Dollars, approximately (as of 19 July 2014): 1 MYR = 0.31 USD 10 MYR = 3.14 USD 50 MYR = 15.71 USD 100 MYR = 31.41 USD 250 MYR = 78.53 USD 500 MYR = 157.05 USD You can also donate directly via bank transfer to: Name = MALAYSIAN AIDS FOUNDATION Account No = 514105421257 Swift Code = MBB-MBBEMYKL and forward the transaction slip to Arif at arif[at] You can also send a cross cheque made out to the Malaysia AIDS Foundation at: Malaysian AIDS Foundation No 12, Jalan 13/48A, The Boulevard Shop Office, Off Jalan Sentul 51000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia I (Tiara) am not personally affiliated with MAC - I am, however, Malaysian (and a frequent flyer with MAS) and the recent news events of both MH17 and MH370 have affected me deeply. Thank you for your support.  

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Raised So Far : MYR 300

Target : MYR 1,700

Fundraising for:
Malaysian AIDS Foundation

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be helping my fren Jeff Lau who will be taking part in Malaysian AIDS Foundation Marathon des Sables 2014 Challenge in 04/04/2014 and aiming to raise money for Malaysian AIDS Foundation Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Fiq  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 5,000