Donation Appeal

Love for the Wongnaks

  • Hong Kong
Raised So Far HKD 28,647
2864653% Complete
Target : HKD 1 Raised Offline : HKD 20,267

About Appeal

UPDATE - MAY 25, 2018 (from Chelsea)

We're finally here!!  We arrived in Boston a week ago and with the help of Josh's Dad and sister we've settled in nicely to our little apartment. The weather is beautiful, the people are friendly and the food is delicious. Best of all... the medical team is INCREDIBLE! We know we are in the best hands with Dr. Liebsch at MGH (Massachusetts General Hospital). We've had a week of pre-radiation scans (CT, bone scans, MRI etc). As many of you have already seen from our facebook post, we unfortunately received some disturbing news. Dr. Liebsch sat us down and broke the news that all of his MRI scans are completely useless because they discovered a small piece of metal in Josh's orbital bone. This piece of metal was left in Josh's bone after his surgery in Hong Kong. This news is completely upsetting and shocking as he has already had two MRI scans done since his surgery and the damage could have been devastating. It is a complete MIRACLE that the metal didn't rip out of his head during the scans... PRAISE GOD!! This unfortunately has postponed his proton radiation treatment which means we will be in Boson longer than expected. The metal makes it impossible for them to see a clear picture of the tumor, which is very much still there. Josh was rushed into another surgery today to remove the piece of metal. The surgery was successful and they removed everything. If the healing process goes smoothly we will hopefully be able to start radiation as soon as possible. We all feel quite frustrated by this setback and having to deal with the consequences of the mistake made by the HK team. We didn't expect to be in surgery again but we're moving forward the best we can. Let's just say we are all very happy to be in Boston for the rest of his treatment. Thank you so much to everyone for the support we've received. Despite the extra stress emotionally, financially and physically (for Josh), we're staying strong. 


Josh and Chelsea will be leaving Hong Kong and travelling to Boston for two months where Josh will receive proton radiation for a very rare type of cancer called Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma.

The Wong's have been completely blown away by the outpouring of love, prayers and support from family and friends all over the world. A great number of wonderful people have offered to help and support them as they navigate this challenging journey ahead. They will be travelling from Hong Kong to Boston from May 18 - July 23. This is how you can love on them!


Josh & Chelsea both believe prayer is the most powerful, important and effective resource we have and also the primary way they would like to be supported. Their specific prayer requests will be updated on this page as they make their way through treatment. Most importantly:

1. Pray for complete and total healing over Josh. That there is no trace of cancer or sickness left in his body and that the treatment will be 100% effective.

2. Pray for protection against any harmful side effects of radiation and for his healthy cells and tissue to thrive.


The Wong's would like to share that they feel completely overwhelmed by the offerings of financial support from so many people. The hospital has given them a discount on the treatment and they feel very blessed that they are able to cover the cost of treatment. Thank you to everyone who reached out and offered support.

Although they are not in desperate need of financial help, we know medical expenses can stack up and as their friends, we feel very strongly that aside from standing with them in prayer, we also would love to bless them financially - not only as a token of our love to them, but also to be able to partner with them on this journey to kick some cancer butt! Our heart is that they would not only ‘survive’ this ordeal, but that they would THRIVE in and through this experience. We can imagine that many of you may share the same heart as we do, so if you would like to bless Josh and Chelsea financially, you can do so on this page or contact us (Juliana Young and Kristy Tong) directly at [email protected] for details on how to give. 

Recent Donors 19

  • Jack and Sharon Young

    HKD 4,000 07/10/2018 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Mark and Kayi

    HKD 750 07/02/2018 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    HKD 7,840 06/27/2018 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Tom and Mo Franz

    This is just one small gift from us. We know that your journey will be a stretch, and we simply want to express our love, support, and our hope to make the journey a bit easier. May you and Chelsea grow inseparable - unbreakable in your love as the days go by. God provides his children with generous, glorious fruit in each trial they endure & overcome. May you sense, embrace, and cherish God’s presence in the journey. Thank you for allowing us to come along your journey, to cheer you on, to support you, to pray for you, but most of all to be encouraged by your love for each other and your love for God.

    HKD 1,000 06/12/2018 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Susannah Yule

    Sending you both lots of love, proud of your strength and resilience. Thanks for sharing your story with us all. x

    HKD 1,000 06/02/2018 09:33:09 AM UTC

  • Alan Myerson

    USD 100 05/28/2018 09:14:02 PM UTC

  • Christina Pawl

    Hoping this will help & sending prayers throughout your journey.

    USD 50 05/28/2018 03:31:21 PM UTC

  • Emmanuel Fontain-Ogwang

    This is the time where I wish I was a gazillionaire bro (can still happen) haha. Hopefully this can grab you guys a few drinks out there or a nice meal...or take it to Vegas and bet it all on black! Black is always a good bet #WakandaForever 😂

    USD 100 05/26/2018 11:36:01 AM UTC

  • Marcus Kroese

    HKD 2,000 05/17/2018 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Emily Steinmeyer

    USD 500 05/16/2018 02:33:32 PM UTC

  • Vanessa Leaver

    Backing you all the way as you brave the journey ahead. Your testimony already is a joy to see and know God will use your story !

    AUD 100 05/14/2018 11:02:45 PM UTC

  • Tom Read

    HKD 1,000 05/14/2018 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Audrie + Jason

    USD 100 05/14/2018 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Chloe + Murray

    USD 50 05/14/2018 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Kristy Tong

    For when you need cocktails and pizza in Boston.

    HKD 1,000 05/12/2018 12:00:00 AM UTC