
I'm making a difference by raising money for a cause close to my heart. Please support me by donating.

My Story

Please support me in raising funding for staff workers and students around Asia to attend IFES’ World Assembly 2023 in Jakarta.

I have been working with IFES since 2019. Through the efforts of many staff workers and students, IFES shares the gospel of Christ to students across university campuses globally. All of us as Christians have a part to play in spreading the good news of Jesus.  I do my part in supporting our global ministry by helping to raise funding for various initiatives of our fellowship. World Assembly is a gathering of the entire IFES family, which happens once every four years. I was granted the opportunity to attend World Assembly in 2019 because of faithful donors such as yourselves. It opened my eyes to the way the gospel was being spread around the world. It was so exciting to hear from students from many different lands, hearing the impact of the gospel in their lives and it was equally mind blowing to hear about staff and students who work tirelessly to make Jesus known. I was struck because of the diversity present in one place. We were a gathering of many tribes, tongues and nations and we learnt about God, prayed, and sang songs of praise and thanksgiving to Him in different languages. World Assembly 2023 is happening in Jakarta from 2 – 10 August 2023. I am trying to raise funds so that more staff workers and students from this region can attend. For many, it will be a once in a lifetime opportunity and it is vital for them to come together to be encouraged by fellow brothers and sisters in Christ over God’s Word. Many of them work in countries where it is hard to be a Christian, let alone share the gospel. Many of them face persecution, are isolated and are unable to raise their own funding because of the challenges within their countries.  because of where they are based, and this coming together as the body of Christ will be something that sustains them through periods when they continue to work away from one another.

Please help me to make a difference to many of my brothers and sisters in Christ by making a gift towards this fundraiser. Any amount you give will help. Thank you!

Recent Donors

  • Irene Yong

    USD 100 05/17/2023 12:07:55 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 300 04/13/2023 12:26:20 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    AUD 100 04/06/2023 12:45:22 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    Dear Anita, May God bless your good deeds.

    MYR 150 03/24/2023 04:36:02 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    Thank you Anita for your work for Christ with IFES and specifically in raising funds for this gospel cause. I pray that those who attend the conference will be greatly encouraged and equipped!

    GBP 350 03/11/2023 07:27:15 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 10 02/23/2023 10:28:27 AM UTC

  • Naaman Lee

    MYR 1,500 02/22/2023 11:30:45 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 1,500 02/21/2023 08:34:43 AM UTC

  • Shobi Selvadurai

    Praying for you as you look to raise money for this Gospel ministry

    USD 50 02/21/2023 08:32:18 AM UTC

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