Fundraising Event

IFES World Assembly 2023

  • 09/12/2022 - 15/06/2023
  • Malaysia
USD 4,461
22% Complete
Target : USD 20,000

About Event

The International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) is a movement of students sharing and living out the good news of Jesus Christ. Locally. Nationally. Globally. 

We want your help to raise scholarships for staff and students from Asia, to attend World Assembly 2023. 

Once every four years, our fellowship of indigenous movements comes together during World Assembly. In the face of fractures and brokenness in the world, World Assembly offers a tangible and powerful expression of our fellowship's celebration of diversity. 

In 2023 we're thrilled to have Perkantas Indonesia hosting World Assembly and, for the first time ever, those unable to travel to World Assembly will be able to join some parts of the conference via livestreamed events.

"Welcome, dear IFES fellowship, to colorful, flavorful Indonesia! We in East Asia are very humbled and so excited to be hosting the world at our doorstep. TABAH & TANGGUH is a uniting call to us as a family: to be unshakeable and resilient, as witnesses in the university and beyond. Come, let us make this our pilgrimage together." - Annette Arulrajah, IFES Regional Secretary for East Asia

IFES World Assembly is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be encouraged and equipped. At World Assembly strategic ministry decisions are made, vision is revitalized, dreams are sparked; it is an environment from which delegates head back to their part of the world, full of the Spirit, empowered and invigorated for the often difficult work ahead. For most, its a once in a lifetime opportunity to be encouraged and equipped, first-hand, by the experience and wisdom of those who share their calling.

Together we'll explore the theme Tabah dan Tangguh: Witnesses in the University and Beyond. In sermons, seminars, small groups, and the arts, we'll journey together through the book of Psalms to hear what God has to show us about becoming resilient witnesses who can thrive together in ministry amidst all of the challenges we face in the world today.

As a family of movements we want each member to be represented, to share their experiences and point of view. However, not all movements can afford to send representatives without scholarship support. You can help to make this compelling event a reality by giving to the scholarship fund. Please donate today.

We asked recent participants what they would say to future delegates:

"My vision of the work of IFES changed [we are] not only transforming students to share the gospel, but to make them ready to serve the world." - Student from the Netherlands, Mexico 2015

"It is the best place to because sessions are so empowering and you will learn a lot from interactions. Let alone the fact that stories from other national movements are so motivating. It is a chance to learn more to be a good steward." - Metsing, General Secretary, SULTAM Lesotho, South Africa 2019

"We need the voices and experiences of our family of faith around the world to help us gain a clearer and fuller picture of who God is and what are His purposes in the world. We can't afford to live like we're alone in this - because we're not!" - Todd, staff, InterVarsity USA, South Africa 2019

"Prepare yourself prayerfully to journey with Jesus and world. Represent your movement in God's story. Always be ready to share, hear and apply from others." Althea, student, UESI India, South Africa 2019

"I think it's a great experience. I would encourage them to understand that their presence is important, World Assembly has a key role in the running of IFES and is the chance when those of us working for the  gospel locally can make our contribution globally. Attending World Assembly with the intention of contributing for the good of the gospel in IFES is therefore important." - Chris, staff, GBU Italy, South Africa 2019

Will you help staff and students from Asia go to World Assembly 2023? Your gift can make these experiences a reality for a new generation of student leaders, staff and volunteers. Please give generously!