Lending Project

Loan for Ibu Sulasmi - Gudeg Solo food stall

  • Indonesia
Raised So Far IDR 7,500,000
37% Complete
Target : IDR 20,000,000

About Lending Project

Support a loan to Ibu Sulasmi for her Gudeg Solo food stall.

Ibu Sulasmi, aged 54, known as Ibu Joko, runs a gudeg solo (traditional Javanese cuisine) food stall in Jombang, Bintaro, Banten province.

She has been selling gudeg and any other savoury dishes for almost 7 years.

She has been selling food since her husband passed away in 1997. Initially she sold “Soto Ayam” in Solo city – Central Java, and in 2009 she moved to Jakarta and started the gudeg food stall in this place until today. She rents the space and has built her business since.

Her food stall is well known by people in the surrounding area, the food is delicious and cheap. She make the variety of dishes by herself and her daughter in law also helps her everyday to cook and serve the customers. She hires one other employee to help out too.

Ibu Sulasmi requested a loan of IDR20 million (~USD1,500) to pay for rent and to increase her working capital in order to buy ingredients - meat/chicken/vegetable/etc, as business is growing, particularly during the fasting month, where more customers are buying from her stall for when they are breaking fast.

This is a short-term loan that will be repaid by April 2017. SK's loan officers work closely with its clients to ensure that they have a secure way to save, grow their business and repay the loans on time.

We hope that you can help us support ibu Sulasmi, who is also helping to pay for her parents in the small village in Solo city Central Java, around IDR 3 million per month (father 86, mother 68).

It is not a donation, but a loan that will be repaid. For the borrowers, the impact of the loans are life changing.

Recent Contributors 7

  • Stephen Ellison

    Contributed IDR 1,000,000 07/05/2016 01:09:38 PM UTC

  • Whye Choong

    Contributed IDR 1,000,000 06/30/2016 02:55:19 AM UTC

  • Tony .

    Contributed IDR 500,000 06/24/2016 03:30:36 PM UTC

  • Stephen Phillips

    Salivating at the thought. Good luck!

    Contributed IDR 1,000,000 06/23/2016 09:00:37 PM UTC

  • Dennis Ho

    Contributed IDR 500,000 06/21/2016 03:34:43 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    Contributed IDR 2,500,000 06/20/2016 02:15:28 PM UTC

  • Cheryl Low

    Supporting Ibu Sulasmi and street food!

    Contributed IDR 1,000,000 06/17/2016 06:39:49 AM UTC